nonparity nonparous nonparticipant nonparticipating non-participating nonparticipation nonparticulate nonparticulate radiation nonpartisan non-partisan nonpartisanism nonpartisanship nonpartizan nonparty non-party nonpasserine nonpasserine bird nonpassive
Under this new definition, we find that no significant difference exists in any mental health services use between people living in parity and those innon-paritystates (results not shown). Mental Health Parity Legislation: Much Ado About Nothing?
Title VII was designed to provide for parity in the use and enjoyment of public accommodations, facilities, and education as well as in federally assisted programs and employment. It further allows an injured party to bring suit and obtain damages from any individual who illegally infringes upon ...
On d 14 (d 0 = ovulation), cows were stratified by parity and assigned randomly to aspirin (n = 11) or control (n = 12) treatments. For the aspirin treatment, cows received oral aspirin administration (46.65 g/dose) in the morning and evening of d 14 and in the mornin...
AcronymDefinition NPH Northwestern Publishing House NPH Neil Patrick Harris (actor) NPH Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (Hakim's Disease) NPH National Planning Holdings (Jackson National Life Insurance Company) NPH Neutral Protamine Hagedorn NPH Nazarene Publishing House NPH New Products Highlights NPH Non Pa...
(redirected fromAtomic Parity Non-Conservation) AcronymDefinition APNCAssociate Pastor Nominating Committee APNCAlbany Park Neighborhood Council APNCAddiction Professionals of North Carolina(Durham, NC) APNCAdvanced Practice Nurse Consortium(New Jersey) ...
This is not to say that removing measurement error would bring effective sample size back to parity with actual sample size. In our example (Box 1), we assume no measurement error, but a small amount of selection bias causes the effective sample size to be 99.86% lower than the actual ...
A high incidence of luminal cancers among non-immigrants and immigrants from high-income countries is probably due to a higher prevalence of classical breast cancer risk factors among these women, such as high age at first birth and low parity [20, 41], as well as increased alcohol consumption...
Age of participant, residence, educational level of the women, parity, mode of recent deliveries, number of previous deliveries in an HF, sex of health professionals conducting delivery, facing complication during delivery, and ability to pay for delivery service had a P-value of < 0.25 ...
Define nonparasitic. nonparasitic synonyms, nonparasitic pronunciation, nonparasitic translation, English dictionary definition of nonparasitic. adj biology not parasitic Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harpe