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“One of my Belgian friends has procured secret dossiers that expose the intentions of the German high command,” he said. “I need to get them quickly. Such documents must not travel by mail. You have a car. You must go to Brussels and collect them. I will pay all expenses.” An I...
like Esurance, count any violation that doesn't carry the risk of incarceration as minor, with a minimal effect on rates. And, according to the Car Insurance Comparison website, the answer depends on many factors, including the driver's state or residence, their driving record, the insurer, ...
Finally, on the topic of “horse dewormer”, ivermectin is not only a horse dewormer but, is used widely in veterinary medicine in dogs (Heartguard), cows, pigs, sheep etc. It is also available for human consumption under the names stromectol and mectizan, the name used by the owner of ...