Non-opposable triphalangeal thumbnon opposable
Non-opposable (thumb) (拇指)不可内弯 指的是拇指不能向手掌内侧弯曲,因此也就不能与其他四指相对形成抓握。也常见于手部先天畸形症状。三指节拇指如遗传发病的话,大多数是常染色体显性,且常常是双侧的,同时伴有后者的症状。零星发病则少有伴随,大部分患者拇指仍可内弯。
: the short thick digit of the human hand that is analogous in position to the big toe and differs from the other fingers in having only two phalanges, allowing greater freedom of movement, and being opposable to each of them also : a corresponding digit in lower animals 2 : the part...
B. an opposable thumb C. eyes set close together in the front of the face D. upright walking E. considerable loss of body hair upright walking What character is typically associated with bilateral symmetry? A. a specialized region of sensors and brain (a "head") ...
This report describes a family with bilateral non-opposable triphalangeal thumb, bringing to two the number of families with this autosomal dominant disorder.doi:10.1136/jmg.25.5.337Journal of Medical GeneticsWarm, A., Pietro, C.d., et al., 1988. Non-opposable triphalangeal thumb in an ...
The non-opposable triphalangeal thumb:a new technique of management. El-Karef E. Journal of Hand Surgery British and European Volume . 2004El唱Karef E.The non唱opposable triphalangeal thumb :a new technique of management.J Hand Surg Br,2004,29:544唱551. ( 收稿日期:2012唱08唱15)...
The non-opposable triphalangeal thumb:a new technique of management. El-Karef E. Journal of Hand Surgery British and European Volume . 2004El唱Karef E.The non唱opposable triphalangeal thumb :a new technique of management.J Hand Surg Br,2004,29:544唱551. ( 收稿日期:2012唱08唱15)...