Non-operating expense, like its name implies, is an accounting term used to describe expenses that occur outside of a company's day-to-day activities. These types of expenses include monthly charges like interest payments on debt and can also include one-time or unusual costs. For example, ...
Non-operating expense, like its name implies, is an accounting term used to describe expenses that occur outside of a company's day-to-day activities. These types of expenses include monthly charges like interest payments on debt and can also include one-time or unusual costs. For example, ...
For example, a company may categorize any costs incurred from restructuring, reorganizing, costs from currency exchange, or charges on obsolete inventory as non-operating expenses. 顾名思义,营业外支出是会计术语,是指公司日常活动之外发生的费用。这类费用包括债务利息支付等按月收取的费用,也可以包括一次...
Impairment Charges:Impairment charges occur when a company’s assets lose their value. For example, if a company owns a building that is no longer useful or profitable, it may incur an impairment charge. Restructuring Expenses:Companies often incur expenses when going through restructuring processes...
Non-operating expense, like its name implies, is an accounting term used to describe expenses that occur outside of a company's day-to-day activities. These types of expenses include monthly charges like interest payments on debt and can also include one-time or unusual costs. For example,...
非货币性资产交换(Non monetary asset exchange)[case 1] of the following assets, which are non monetary assets.A. inventory B. prepayments C. may sell financial assets D. intends to hold up to maturity of bond investment E. accounts receivable F. long term equity investments G. fixed assets...
Example:Acompanyusesadeviceusedinproductionand operationtoexchangeabatchofprintersproducedbyBcompany andreplacetheprintersasfixedassetsmanagement.AandB aregeneraltaxpayers,andtheapplicabletaxrateis17%. The book value of A's equipment was $1 million 500 thousand, and ...
Example ofNon-Operating Income The main operations of retail stores are the purchasing and selling of merchandise, which requires a lot of cash on hand andliquid assets.Sometimes, a retailer chooses to invest its idle cash on hand in order to put its money to work. ...
When using accrual accounting (which is the most commonly appliedbasis of accountingamong businesses)revenues and expenses are recognized when they occur. So, for example, if a piece of equipment has an expected life of 5 years, that equipment will be expensed for the entirety of those 5 years...
non operating expenses 业外费用 non operating loss 非生产性损失 non operating interest 非生产权益,非营业权益 non operating revenue 非营业纯收入 non operating earnings 【经】 营业外收益, 非营业收益 non operating cost 非营业成本 相似单词 non operating 【经】 非营业的, 营业外的 non curr...