A non-nicotine pod assembly for a non-nicotine e-vaping device may include a pod body and a connector module. The pod body has an upstream end and a downstream end and is configured to hold a non-nicotine pre-vapor formulation. The upstream end of the pod body defines a cavity. The ...
I want to make it clear, I don’t have a problem with adults vaping, especially if it’s helping them quit smoking. I do have a problem with teenagers getting hooked on nicotine to begin with via vaping. And I really have a problem with some of the reckless advertising being done by ...
No patches, gums, laser treatments, ongoing costs, replacement nicotine products,pills, plant or herbal based products, no vaping, just naturally! Since 2008 this method has helped many hundreds ofsmokers become permanent Happy Non Smokers. If YOU want to ‘break free’ from the smoking trap an...
One new non-vaping nicotine option appearing at convenience stores —being sold under the brand name “ZYN”— are nicotine pouches that you put under your upper or lower lip and keep there for a while, absorbing the nicotine through the mouth. Some people may prefer gum or lozenges, but w...
The FDA may be issuing a ruling in September whether or not to ban nicotine vaping products. Apparently, Juul’s little scheme was designed to influence that decision, but fortunately, it got outed. From a Philadelphia Inquirerarticle:
While vaping may seem like a good option, it also delivers a strong hit of nicotine and causes the same sleep problems as cigarettes.2. Too little/too much sleep. In a survey of 85,000 participants, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that smokers were often short on sleep with...
Smokers (active, passive and/or former smokers), users of other forms of nicotine and tobacco, such as vaping and tobacco in chewable forms, Presence of any uncontrolled systemic disease, History of radiotherapy in head and neck region, Current chemotherapy treatment, Current corticosteroid usag...
"I knew it was more than water," said Beerel, now 16. "I knew it was a type of juice. I wasn't aware to the extent of how much nicotine was in it. I didn't even know what nicotine was at that point." Sophia Beerel, now 16, has struggled ...
Juul CEO Kevin Burns says people with no preexisting relationship with nicotine shouldn't be using his company's product and acknowledged the long-term effects of vaping are unknown
Consistency is key. Insurers will consider you a non-smoker only after you’ve abstained from all forms of tobacco and nicotine products for a specified duration. This includes cigarettes, cigars, vaping, and even nicotine replacement therapies like patches or gums. One of the most impactful ways...