Phillips Petroleum and Cinque Bambini brought suit to quiet title on forty-two acres of land.'The property in controversy was lo-cated in Hancock County, Mississippi, and consisted of eleven drain-age streams and the north branch of the Bayou LaCroix. 2 TheHammers, Laurie JStetson L.rev...
Several states have recently enacted legislation regulating dredge and fill operations in certain classes of nonnavigable waters. Professor Ausness examines some of the decisions arising under these acts to determine if any distinguishable trend has emerged regarding the nature and extent of constitutional...
Since World War II, the dramatic increase in population, expanded amounts of leisure time and the growth of the tourism industry have placed great demand on Utah's water resources as recreational facilities. The current popularity of water-based recreation, especiallyKnuth, R. LJ.contemp.l...
Brierre, Paul R