Considering the example we take in the main text, the initial voltages are set to (0, 1, 1, –1, 0, 0, 0, 1.73) V for the real nodes in each unit cells and 0 V for the imaginary nodes for convenience. The solution can be calculated as $$|\phi (t)\left.\right)= \, \...
One example of a dog whine containing several types of non-linear phenomena. f0 label identifies whines with the lower fundamental frequency, while g0 the high secondary fundamental frequency (whistle whine or squeak in other nomenclatures). The co-occurrence of these two marked as biphonation whi...
label- The name of the object. This is typically a string containing the name of the variable. For example the statex.state1will typically have the label'x.state1' def- The mathematical definition of the object represented by a function handle of the form@(x,a,u,d,p)<some function>. ...
A multivariate multilevel non-linear growth curve model indicated that the GBG reduced concentration problems over time. In addition, the model also revealed that the intervention improved prosocial behavior among at-risk children (e.g., those with elevated symptoms of conduct problems at Time 1, ...
Generalized linear models GUI: Graphical user interface Maxent: Maximum entropy RF: Random forest ROC: Receiver operating characteristic AUC: Area under the receiver operating curve BC: Bioclimatic variables NBC: Non-bioclimatic variables ENM: Ecological niche model GAM: Generalized additive...
For example, when Turing models are considered, the discrete steady state systems of them will be a periodic elliptic problem [19], [20], [21], [22]. Let u={uk,l} be a real sequence defined on [0,m+1]×[0,n+1]. If it satisfies Eq. (1) for (k,l)∈[1,m]×[1,n] ...
There are simple methods to make distributed estimations such as least squares regression. Nevertheless, attending to the application, more improved algorithms may be needed. For example, in structural health monitoring (SHM), some approaches in WSN need to manage non-linear cases in a distributed ...
seeing a similar error but I'm not sure if it's related? pip install -U lapdidn't help. C++ build tools are installed on my machine too.@weertmanwhich version of the build tools did you install? Windows 10, Python 3.9.4, pip 23.0.1, setuptools 67.6.1 ...
The flourishing of topological photonics in the last decade was achieved mainly due to developments in linear topological photonic structures. However, when nonlinearity is introduced, many intriguing questions arise. For example, are there universal fingerprints of the underlying topology when modes are...
Throughout the paper, we refer to two- and fourfold linear band crossings as Weyl and Dirac points, respectively, although our models are two-dimensional. We review the Weyl points in the Abelian Hofstadter model H0. It is established that when qϕ is even, H0 has chiral symmetry, which...