A non-line of sight backhaul system and method are described that provides self-alignment of the antennas beams of the wireless radios of the system, that provides robust operation in licensed and unlicensed frequency bands, that facilitates the use of a reduced number of frequency channels from ...
The GS-5000Pro, is a NEW, incredibly powerful, 5 GHz Wireless bridge System Line of Sight, -OR- Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) – with a HUGE added bonus. A Fully Programmable 2.4 Ghz “Radio”, which can be used for any function, including AP/Client or WDS Bridge. Embedded OpenWRT Luci...
A TOA-based location algorithm reducing the errors due to non-line-of-sight propagation 一种考虑非视线传播影响的TOA定位算法 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis of OFDM technology for non-line-of-sight wireless communications 一种适用于超视距通信的OFDM技术探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. Non-line-of-sight Light Pro...
Non-line of sight (NLOS) refers to the path of propagation of a radio frequency (RF) that is obscured (partially or completely) by obstacles, thus making it difficult for the radio signal to pass through. Common obstacles between radio transmitters and radio receivers are tall buildings, trees...
UWB室内定位算法的误差主要来源于NLOS(Non Line Of Sight,非视距)信号,针对基于特征的NLOS识别方法需要手动提取特征且识别效果较差这一问题,有学者提出了CNN(Convolutional Neural Network,卷积神经网络)、FCN(Full Convolutional Network,全卷积神经网络)和ResNet(Residual Network,残差网络)等不同的神经网络识别NLOS信号...
Non Line of Sight Wireless Bridge System: The data in and out of the RadioLabs GS-3000, is handled with 2 antennas, for a MIMO, dual antenna, fast 300 MBPS Wireless transfer speed. These two antennas, use dual polarization for cross channel traffic handling. The fact that all data is ...
In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable beam-shaping system to permit energy-efficient non-line-of-sight (NLOS) free-space optical communication. Light is steered around obstacles blocking the direct communication pathway and reaches a receiver after reflecting off of a diffuse surface. A coheren...
and multiple reflected copies combine at a wireless receiver, which undermines positioning metrics such as RSSI and AoA [43, 32]. This multipath phenomenon is inevitable in practice and is exacerbated in non-lineof-sight (NLOS) scenarios. Indeed, multipath is the natural mode of operation ...
1)non-line-of-sight非视线 1.Optical antenna fornon-line-of-sightscattering atmospheric optical communication;非视线散射大气光通信的光学天线 2.Based on the assumption of single-scattering,atmospheric propagation model ofnon-line-of-sightoptical scattering communication system is studied.利用大气对光的散...
摘要: We report novel low bit rate non-line-of-sight optical free space communication over 200 km employing forward scattering from clouds with 134 dB link loss and mid-path scatter gain of 10 dBi.关键词: atmospheric light propagation clouds light scattering optical links diffuse reflection ...