NLOS-OT通过多种嵌入和优化传输,在复杂场景中实现被动NLOS成像,通过实验证明了这个NLOS-OT方法比现有的端到端训练框架性能更好。 实验证明了漫射投影图像,即便使用手机摄像头拍摄的图像也包含了足够的场景信息在里面,当使用具有未知遮挡的广泛分布数据进行训练时,NLOS-OT可以在完全不同的数据集上完成测试,这表明NLOS-T...
Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging aims at reconstructing targets obscured from the direct line of sight. Existing NLOS imaging algorithms require dense measurements at regular grid points in a large area of the relay surface, which severely hinders their availability to variable relay scenarios in ...
Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging is a rapidly developing research direction that has significant applications in autonomous vehicles, remote sensing and other areas. Existing NLOS methods primarily depend on time-gated measurements and sophisticated signal processing to extract information from scattered ...
用于二维形状恢复和三维定位的重建算法 NLOS 2D姿态估计:文章使用Yang-Ramanan模型来进行2D姿态估计并引入histogram of oriented gradients(HOG)概念,因为原始帧模糊且HOG结构化比较少,所以无法直接使用,需要先进处理热图像。图片模糊是因为物体材料表面的低反射率造成了低信噪比(SNR)从而导致模糊,本文使用2个方法进行去噪:...
她与大家分享的主题是“Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) Imaging”,届时将介绍NLOS imaging的整体情况、现存挑战难点;她还会详细介绍其团队获得CVPR 2019 Best Paper Award的工作——基于Fermat paths费马路径的理论和算法,并展示利用此算法的NLOS重建实验结果。
Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging aims at recovering the shape and albedo of hidden objects. Despite recent advances, real-time video of complex and dynamic scenes remains a major challenge owing to the weak signal of multiply scattered light. Here we propose and demonstrate a framework of spec...
Emerging single-photon-sensitive sensors produce picosecond-accurate time-stamped photon counts. Applying advanced inverse methods to process these data has resulted in unprecedented imaging capabilities, such as non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging. Rather
1 报告题目:Mathematical Foundations of Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging 2 报告人:邱凌云 3 报告时间:7月1日周一 10:30 4 报告地点: 教二楼427室 Abstract 摘要 Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging has emerged as a promising techni...
UWB室内定位算法的误差主要来源于NLOS(Non Line Of Sight,非视距)信号,针对基于特征的NLOS识别方法需要手动提取特征且识别效果较差这一问题,有学者提出了CNN(Convolutional Neural Network,卷积神经网络)、FCN(Full Convolutional Network,全卷积神经网络)和ResNet(Residual Network,残差网络)等不同的神经网络识别NLOS信号...
Daniele Faccio from the University of Glasgow in the U.K. will present the new findings, titled "Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) Imaging and Imaging through Scattering Media," at the Optica (formerly OSA) Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 11–15 July 2022. Faccio will present on Monday, 11 Ju...