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Hi there . Let me tell you some thing, even tutors in this subject sometimes lag in a specific branch . Mathematics is such a diverse subject, that it sometimes becomes tedious to understand every topic with equal ease. If you are having problems with second order nonhomogeneous differential ...
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Note that the presence of a nontrivial solution when rank(A) < n means that the homogeneous system has an infinite number of solutions. Proof After the Gauss-Jordan method is applied to the augmented matrix [A| O], the number of nonzero pivots equals rank(A). Suppose rank(A) < n. ...
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difference between ideal solution and non-ideal solution any homogeneous mixture of two or more components is known as a solution. the component having the highest quantity in a solution is known as the solvent, which determines the solution’s physical state. other components are known as ...
Homoclinic bifurcation is an important phenomenon to characterize the complex dynamic behavior of differential systems. Except for its theoretical significance, it has many important applications in mathematical biology [26,27], laser physics [42], electronic engineering [23] and so on. Recently, a ...
1985b. Calculating the quality of drainage water from non-homogeneous soil profiles with an extension to an unsaturated-saturated groundwater quality model includ- mg bypass flow. Agric. Water Managem.. IO, 293-304.van Ommen, H.C. "Calculating the quality of drainage water from non-...
(There is a JAVA partition calculator here.) Turbulent mixing by "shaking the sep' funnel" will maximise the phase boundary surface area and will speed up partition equilibrium. Miscible: methanol and water Mixtures of miscible liquids are homogeneous if completely stirred. Turbulent mixing is ...
Upon heating, the melting of the acyl chains disrupts the different chain lattices and allows full miscibility of the lipids, and the formation of a more homogeneous Lα phase. Even in the fluid phase, however, associations between DPPG and DP3adLPG, have been shown to influence membrane ...