topological photonicsIn the past few years, concepts from non-Hermitian (NH) physics, originally developed within the context of quantum field theories, have been successfully deployed over a wide range of physical settings where wave dynamics are known to play a key role. In optics, a special ...
apl non-hermitian photonics综述-概述说明以及解释 1.引言 1.1概述 概述 在光子学领域,非厄米光子学是一门新兴且具有前瞻性的研究领域。与传统光子学研究关注光子传播的稳定性和能量守恒条件不同,非厄米光子学则更加关注光子传播过程中的非厄米性质和非幺正性质。这种新颖的研究方向为光子学带来了新的可能性和挑战,...
N. Non-Hermitian and topological photonics: optics at an exceptional point. Nanophotonics 10, 403–423 (2021). Google Scholar Xia, S. et al. Nonlinear tuning of PT symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states. Science 372, 72–76 (2021). CAS Google Scholar Soleymani, S. et al. ...
Parity-time Symmetry in Non-Hermitian Complex Media This review paper attempts to bring together the state of the art developments in the field of complex non-Hermitian optics and photonics based on the idea of parity-time symmetry in various optical and photonic settings along with ... SK ...
Nearly one century after the birth of quantum mechanics, parity–time symmetry is revolutionizing and extending quantum theories to include a unique family of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. While conceptually striking, experimental demonstration of parity–
Non-Hermitian Photonics 基于对称性和拓扑原理调控的人工光子系统在控制光的激发、传播、耦合和接收方面具有极大的灵活性,使其成为实现光子器件新潜力的主要物理平台。 最值得注意的是,通过光学增益和损耗操纵光子本征态的能力为定制非厄米哈密顿量(non-Hermitian ...
Non-Hermitian photonics and topological photonics, as new research fields in optics, have attracted much attention in recent years, accompanying by a great deal of new physical concepts and novel effects emerging. The two fields are gradually crossed during the development process and the non-Hermiti...
However, taking inspiration from quantum (e.g., paritytime) symmetries that are eliciting growing attention in the emerging fields of non-Hermitian optics and photonics, this suggests considering more general gainloss interactions. Here, we theoretically show that the photonic doping concept can be ...
Intense light traps and binds small particles, offering unique control to the microscopic world. With incoming illumination and radiative losses, optical forces are inherently nonconservative, thus non-Hermitian. Contrary to conventional systems, the operator governing time evolution is real and asymmetric...
The emitter, designed using the principles of non-Hermitian optics, employed coupled resonators to break the trade-off between spectral selectivity and peak brightness. This non-Hermitian emitter (NHE) surpassed the spectral efficiency limits set by conventional selective emitter designs and achieved 45...