Subjects with fatty liver were older and had increased BMI, WC, SBP, DBP, fasting glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-C, TG, AST, ALT, and GGT, but decreased HDL-C (all p < 0.001). The proportion of men, current smoking, mild alcohol drinking, DM, HTN, dyslipidaemia, and history of ...
micromachines Article Development and Characterization of Non-Evaporable Getter Thin Films with Ru Seeding Layer for MEMS Applications El-Mostafa Bourim 1,* , Hee Yeoun Kim 1 and Nak-Kwan Chung 2 1 National Nanofab Center, Department of Nanostructure Technology, Daejeon 34141, Korea; hyeounkim@n...
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rreessppoonnssee iinnaawwidideelilnineeaarrrarnagnegefrformom0.001.0t1ot6o.86m.8Mm,Mw,itwh igthoogdosoedlescetilvecittyivaintydasntadbisltiatybi[l6it3y]. f[Mfo6a3sritr]f.daeMsetttaierdlc.eetrittoe.epnacltoo.iorrftenecphdooofarltenceshdNtoelarIeoRnsltNeuemrsIoiRinltgteuimnflsiguintotb...