the Heads of State or government of the non-aligned countries recognized that ‘No country, however, should use its power to dictate its concept of democracy and human rights or to impose conditionalities on others’. Tenth Summit Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned ...
produce versions of the contracts in the first language of the player, as is practice in many European countries, once again if they have the capacity. Our final group of recommendations pertain to situations in which neither the player’s representative(s) nor the club have either the inclinat...
Do We Always Speak of What We Mean? (Non)Referring Expressions in Discourse Section 4: Language Acquisition “Automatically Arises the Question Whether…”: A Corpus Study of Postverbal Subjects in L2 English Multilingualism in Greece: A Study of Speech Production of Trilingual Children Non-...
Westerterp, MD, PhD (Department of Surgery, HMC Westeinde, the Hague, the Netherlands); and H. L. van Westreenen, MD, PhD (Department of Surgery, Isala Hospital, Zwolle, the Netherlands). References 1. Nederland Kankerregistratie. Cijfers over Kanker. ...
The results might therefore be different if the study were conducted in other parts of the Netherlands and/or other countries. Furthermore, the written material was available in Dutch only. Although the majority of the nonindigenous invi- tees belonged to the second or third generation of ...
15and self-sampling HPV testing can overcome the aforementioned barriers. Randomized trials in various countries have proven that a self-sampling HPV test increased screening uptake16,17,18,19,20,21and that several countries have already implemented the test as an option for non-responders to ...
The ICER for self-perceived WRULD one year after baseline is about €286, meaning that an additional €286 is needed to achieve one more complaint-free patient through PE therapy. The societal costs of the PE therapy group are lower compared to the RP group, while the treatment is more ef...
Schaeffer's writings make it clear that he would have very much liked to 'time out' M_usic for a while, long enough to be able to conduct all the studies, experiments and researches he deemed necessary to un-cover the real meaning of all the new technologies and techniques that after ...
For The Hague Convention to be operational between signatory states, the older member needs to accept the accession of the new member. 28. The defamatory meaning which the document is alleged to have conveyed must be one which was reasonably capable of being conveyed to ordinary people and which...
Broadening the view to measures of economic warfare which are not limited to the sectors treated in the previous chapters—trade, investment and currency—, this chapter contains the final case studies on sector non-specific economic warfare. First,...