The commercialization of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) provides income for rural indigenous households. The integration of NTFPs into formal markets tends to intensify management practices to ensure production and monetary benefits. However, more re
Formula (1) calculates in brackets the price (pi) minus the cost per kilogram for a given species and then multiplies the net income per kilogram by the mass sold per day (mi) and by the number of days that the product is sold on the market per year (di). The only part that requi...
RR and GLA conceived the idea. RR performed the statistical analysis and wrote the first draft of the manuscript to which all authors subsequently contributed. GLA, MP, NA, and BPG were all involved in designing the study. EV, JGP and GLA reviewed the statistical analysis and the information...
However, other genes involved in carbohydrate catabolism, like galactosidase alpha (GLA), were downregulated (P = 4.95E-02). Finally, SERPINA1 gene linked to alpha–1–antitrypsin deficiency was not statistically differentially expressed between PAS(+) and PAS(−) NTLs (P = 0.96), ...
doi:10.1093/gerona/glab257TOTAL knee replacementOLDER peopleARTIFICIAL jointsBODY mass indexINCOMEBULLOUS pemphigoidHEALTH surveysTREATMENT effectivenessRESEARCH fundingLONGITUDINAL methodBackground: Total knee replacement (TKR) is a common procedure in older adults. Physical resilience may...
Chronic exposure to household indoor smoke and outdoor air pollution is a major contributor to global morbidity and mortality. The majority of these deaths occur in low and middle‐income countries. Children, women, the elderly and people with underlying
The role of non-timber forest products during agroecosystemshift in Xishuangbanna, southwestern China Yongneng Fu a, ⁎, Jin Chen a , Huijun Guo b , Aiguo Chen a , Jingyun Cui a , Huabin Hu a a Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla 666300, Yunnan, ...
tThheeWmHeaOncglaessstaifiticoantaiol nagceritaetriwa,hmichateBrMnaIldpartea- pwreergenacnolclyecBtMedI wcaatesg(o1r1i.e6s ±w2e.r5e)dwefienekesd.aMs uantedrenrawlepigreh-tp(rBeMgnI a4000 Parity (n/%) Primiparity Multiparity Previous adverse pregnancy outcomes (n/%) Did not have Had ...
For the non-spatial dimension, the results depicted that Songzi had significant inequalities in socioeconomic status (e.g., income, education) and patient satisfaction level for medical service. When integrating both spatial and non-spatial factors, the disadvantaged areas were mainly located in the...
marital status had significant association with resilience level, with low household income (B40 group) being a predictor of lower resilience. The BRS-M demonstrated favourable psychometric properties in terms of reliability and validity to assess the level of resilience among non-academic staff in ...