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Changes in non-fiction writing and its brief history as a genre; Precautions to readers when writers employed the language of non-fiction as a rhetorical... J Goudsblom - 《Publishing Research Quarterly》 被引量: 1发表: 2000年 Eco-Criticism and Nature Writing.the Trails of the American Appro...
This college-level course in creative storytelling functions as an introduction to a variety of storytelling techniques that appear in different forms of creative writing, such as short fiction and playwriting. COURSE: Sports Economics ●July 19 — August 1 ●Christina DePasquale In this course we...
To learn more, enroll in Reedsy’s free courses onWriting a Query LetterandSubmitting Non-Fiction to Agents and Editors. FREE COURSE How to Write a Query Letter Learn to grab agents’ attention with 10 five-minute lessons. Submit to your shortlist andalwaysfollow up ...
Everyone "dresses the part" on the day of the Biography Blitz. For the last three years,Lake Park (Georgia) Elementary Schoolhas met AYP goals and has been named a Distinguished Title I School, and Parkerson, an academic coach, believes that the Biography Blitz has contributed greatly to the...
Editing and Re-Writing Services: These are charged at a similar rate of $400 per 1 day, or 8 hours of labor. In this 8-hour timeframe, 5,000 words can be written. Writers can specify their editing total budget, which would determine the depth of the edit that can be performed within...
Students of all ages are called on to recognize and write in a variety of styles, like reports or essays, and for different purposes, such as to communicate an idea or persuade someone to a point of view. They use strategies and tools that authors use to create writing, such as brain...
and on unique non-fiction publications, including the Fantastic Beasts movie tie-ins. As a freelance editor, she has worked one-on-one with every type of writer, from first-time to published authors, and her ability to coach clients through the writing and editing process with clear, construc...
Given that work in this area has been oriented toward gender effects on modes of reading and fiction reading, we are left wondering about the extent of variety in modes of reading, whether modes of reading link up with particular genres and audiences, and what lies behind differences in modes...
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