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Genre:Non-Fiction Books Are you earning a business degree? Then you’ll take business law. In Business Law Made Simple, you’ll learn the major principles, phrases, and real life implications of business law just as I teach them in my undergraduate and graduate business law courses. This bo...
To learn more, enroll in Reedsy’s free courses onWriting a Query LetterandSubmitting Non-Fiction to Agents and Editors. FREE COURSE How to Write a Query Letter Learn to grab agents’ attention with 10 five-minute lessons. Submit to your shortlist andalwaysfollow up ...
This college-level course in creative storytelling functions as an introduction to a variety of storytelling techniques that appear in different forms of creative writing, such as short fiction and playwriting. COURSE: Sports Economics ●July 19 — August 1 ●Christina DePasquale In this course we...
Fiction and nonfiction, meaning imaginative and factual, respectively, are the two main genres that encompass all literary works. Fictional literature is imaginative writing that is subjective, taking the writer's feelings and opinions into consideration, or those they hope to pass on to the reader...
Non-fiction Author. Novelist. Video Blogger. MS & NDPH* Warrior. Home|About|Contact|Novels & Books Paul Lima was a writer/trainer for 40+ years. What's on his website? 42 Novels, Books on Writing & many other topics- Print, PDF, Kindle and epub... ...
Anaphora Literary Pressis warmly inviting submissions from both first-time, and established writers in all genres and categories. Most submitted books are accepted. Anaphora has been in business since 2009. It has published over 300 creative and non-fiction books. ItsPLJandCCRjournals have published...
Tricia has taught college English and literature and has a master's degree in Education and Creative Writing. Cite this lesson Literature contains two types of literary styles: fiction and nonfiction. Learn what characterizes a non-literary text and how it plays a role in literature and your ...
Given that work in this area has been oriented toward gender effects on modes of reading and fiction reading, we are left wondering about the extent of variety in modes of reading, whether modes of reading link up with particular genres and audiences, and what lies behind differences in modes...
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