Part I: An Introduction to Narcissism This section begins with a detailed explanation of narcissism, as well as an outline of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). It addresses the basic characteristics of narcissism and identifies many types of NPD and their associated behaviors. It also looks ...
Fiction, Non-Fiction, Fixed Layout, Low Content eBooksQuiz Wizard (new)How to Self-Publish your eBook Many people have a dream of being an author and wonder how to go about publishing an eBook and specifically how to self-publish on Kindle, Barnes & Noble, iBookStore, Smashword, Lulu. ...
Non-fiction 课件 Definition istheformofanynarrative,account,orothercommunicativeworkwhoseassertionsanddescriptionsareunderstoodtobefactual.Thispresentationmaybeaccurateornot,however,itisgenerallyassumedthatauthorsofsuchaccountsbelievethemtobetruthfulatthetimeoftheircompositionor,atleast,posethemtotheiraudienceashistorically...
There are disagreements over whether the creative non-fiction technique is simply a genre of representation, or an analytical process (Narayan, 2007; Smith et al., 2015), because proponents of the method are reticent to outline strict methodological parameters. However, writers of CNF can utilise...
The structure of head (excerpt), life (history) and heart (hymn) is a fantastic outline for this book — and everything hung on that outline is clearly-written, helpful to the Christian and relevant (if only to say “don’t be like that.”) Ferguson knocked it out of the park with...
In the scenarios I outline, the sexbot creators are male and the sexbots (and people whom they represent) appear female. This fits with the general trend in the creation of sex dolls and sexbots; however, it should not be inferred that this is the only possible distribution of sexes in...
interactive digital narratives: A study of cultural heritage websites Abstract: Interactive digital narrative (IDN) is an umbrella term used to encom- pass the various formats of digital narrative such as hypertext fiction, transmedia stories, and video games...
Space Needs Planning Outline by Anders Dahlgren (2009).pdf Space Needs Worksheet A Resource for Designing and Sustaining Technology-Rich Informal Learning Spaces
There is considerable debate about the nature of these two terms (seethis Bilerico Projectarticle), but the above is a basic outline of how they have been used. As you can see, they each carry some extra baggage and the meaning is not as clear cut as “identifying as a gender other th...
Get Writer’s block and self-doubtGet Big Idea, captivating Hook, PromiseGet Reader’s pain pointsGet Build the outline (book and chapters)Keep The “shitty first draft”Perfect the Editing and ProofreadingPolish to TOC, Blurb, BioDress for Cover, formattingIgnite Ace your launch to bestseller...