This contains explicitly both important characteristics of the atomic observables, namely the regular dependence on the atomic number and the non-locality. The application to the Li-like ions of the first row is presented. The whole spectrum of energy eigenvalues is reproduced within 0.3% and HF...
Atomic Java.Util.Concurrent.Locks Java.Util.Functions Java.Util.Jar Java.Util.Logging Java.Util.Prefs Java.Util.Regex Java.Util.Streams Java.Util.Zip Javax.Annotation.Processing Javax.Crypto Javax.Crypto.Interfaces Javax.Crypto.Spec Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Egl Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Opengle...
Non-monotonic behaviour of the Kβ2'/Kβ1' x-ray intensity ratio in the atomic number region 40≤Z≤50 The Kβ'/Kα, Kβ'/Kαand Kβ'/Kβ' intensity ratios were determined for the elements zirconium through tin using proton-induced x-ray spectra recorded with a Si(Li) detector. ...
In the following, we will present the examples of two systems exhibiting three distinct non-thermal fixed points. First, we will discuss the one-component Bose gas with unstable topological vortices written into the initial condition. We find two different non-thermal fixed points which are set ...
Finally, we introduce the notion of band topology in complex spectra of non-Hermitian systems and present their classifications by providing the proof, firstly given by this review in a complete manner, as well as a number of instructive examples. Other topics related to non-Hermitian physics, ...
of atomic and molecular species45,46,55,56,57,58. The central idea in the proposed CG model is to combine the solution of the coarse-grained dynamics with the partial equilibration of the underlying microscopic structure. The concept of partial equilibrium suggests applying themaximum entropy ...
Time-dependent density functional theory continues to draw a large number of users in a wide range of fields exploring myriad applications involving electronic spectra and dynamics. Although in principle exact, the predictivity of the calculations is lim
While at Berkeley, Bohm, an idealist, became involved in politics and he was labeled a communist by the FBI led by J. Edgar Hoover. This prevented him from getting a clearance to work with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos to produce the first atomic bomb during the World...
examples. The film formation processes of these two more efficient blends with DIO and TCB were investigated by in situ UV-vis characterizations, Supplementary Fig.13and14summarize the in situ UV-vis results of PM1:BTP-eC9 and PM6:BTP-eC9 blends, respectively. Like what we observed in the...
To validate that, we used 0.1 DA–PPy and 2.3 DA–PPy nanoparticles as examples. When ferric ions are fully complexed with dopamine (2.3DA–PPy), the relative intensity bipolaron band (above 1000 nm) in the absorption spectrum is reduced compared with the polaron band (around 700 nm)...