非欧几何(Non-Euclideangeometry)简介 福州大学林鸿仁 非欧几何就是非欧几里得几何,是针对欧几里得几何而言的,非欧几何通常指的是罗巴切夫斯 基几何和黎曼几何。 众所周知,素有几何之父“”之称的古希腊的数学家欧几里得(Euclid,希腊文:Ευκλειδης, ...
内容提示: 1 非欧几何 Non-Euclidean geometry 简介 福州大学 林鸿仁 非欧几何就是非欧几里得几何 是针对欧几里得几何而言的 非欧几何通常指的是罗巴切夫斯基几何和黎曼几何。 众所周知 素有 “几何之父”之称的古希腊的数学家欧几里得( Euclid 希腊文 Ευκλειδης 约公元前 330 年-前 275 年 有一...
Non-Euclidean Geometry 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This accessible approach features two varieties of proofs: stereometric and planimetric, as well as elementary proofs that employ only the simplest properties of the plane. A short history of geometry precedes a systematic exposition of the...
The Elements of Non-Euclidean Geometry 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 The Elements of Non-Euclidean Geometry 电子书 图书目录 下载链接在页面底部 下载链接1 下载链接2 下载链接3 facebook linkedin mastodon messenger pinterest reddit telegram twitter viber vkontakte whatsapp 复制链接 想要找书...
Bonola R.: Non-Euclidean Geometry. Dover, New York (1955) MATHGoogle Scholar Borsuk K., Szmielew W.: Foundations of Geometry. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1960) MATHGoogle Scholar Cayley, A.:A sixth memoir upon quantics, Phil. Trans. R. Soc., London (1859) – cp. Collected Math. Paper...
Stavroulakis N. Non-Euclidean geometry and gravita- tion. Progress in Physics, v. 2, 68-75, 2006, (www.ptep- online.com/index files/2006/PP-00-13.PDF).Non-Euclidean geometry and gravitation - Stavroulakis - 2006 () Citation Context ...e and that the alleged interior of the ...
Learn the definition of Non-euclidean geometry and browse a collection of 15 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
这份笔记包含了 Fall 2021, Analytic Geometry 课程的最后一部分内容, 谈到了一点非欧几何和仿射空间. 第一部分是我课堂所作笔记, 语言不够熟练, 而第二部分则是则是根据讲义整理, 更加清晰严谨. 本文使用 Zhihu O…
Non-euclidean geometry, continued fractions, and ergodic theory. The Mathematical Intelligencer 4, 24–31 (1982). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03022992 Download citation Published06 January 2009 Issue DateMarch 1982 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/BF03022992 Keywords Riemann Surface Hyperbolic Space ...
geometry is, thatit can be used to describe the properties of physical space as accurately as Euclidean geometry does.Euclidean geometry is not the necessary geometry of physical space; its physical truth cannot be guaranteed on any a priori grounds. ...