Circuit- QED lattices serve as an ideal platform to study the nonequilibrium many-body physics of microwave photons interacting with (artificial) atoms. In this thesis, I present three major research achievements. First, I introduce a perturbative approach including a resummation technique suitable ...
The role of average time dependence on the relaxation of excited electron populations in nonequilibrium many-body physicsPopulation dynamicsnonequilibrium many‐body problemthermalizationexact resultslong‐time limitWe examine the exact equation of motion for the relaxation of populations of strongly ...
in physics, and its nonequilibrium version has proved invaluable in many research fields. This book provides a unique, self-contained introduction to nonequilibrium many-body theory. Starting with basic quantum mechanics, the authors introduce the equilibrium and nonequilibrium Green's function for.....
A real-time path-integral Monte Carlo approach is developed to study the dynamics in a many-body quantum system coupled to a phonon background until reaching a nonequilibrium stationary state. The approach is based on augmenting an exact reduced equation for the evolution of the system in the ...
While isolated systems tend toward thermodynamic equilibrium, many physical, chemical, and biological processes operate far from equilibrium. Such nonequilibrium systems – from molecules to organisms and machines – persist by exchanging matter and energy with their surroundings, being causally driven by ...
Nonequilibrium many body theory for quantum transport in terahertz quantum cascade lasersThis paper presents a predictive Keldysh nonequilibrium many body Green's functions theory for quantum transport including high order electron-electron, electron-phonon, electron-impurity, and interface roughness ...
In this work, we present a strategy to determine the non-equilibrium quantum effective action using analog quantum simulators, and demonstrate our method experimentally with a quasi one-dimensional spinor Bose gas out of equilibrium. Building on spatially resolved snapshots of the spin degree of ...
It is important also to remark, that this mean-field Hamiltonian resulting from the non- relativistic QED differs from the electromagnetic part of the mean-field Hamiltonian used in the equilibrium theories of the BCS superconductivity [9–11] H = dxψ+(x) 1 ∇ − e A(x) 2 +eV (x...
This book is a classic in the theory of Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes. It has a terrific historical introduction. But the body of the book looks a bit outdated. Summary: Solid, comprehensive Rating: 5 Systematic and comprehensive introduction to linear non-equilibrium thermodynamics. After...
Nonequilibrium many-body dynamics is becoming a central topic in condensed matter physics. Floquet topological states were suggested to emerge in photodressed bands under periodic laser driving. Here we propose a viable nonequilibrium route without requiring coherent Floquet states to reach the elusive ...