Directional transport and propagation of quantum particle and current, such as electron, photon, spin, and phonon, are known to occur in the materials system with broken inversion symmetry, as exemplified by the diode in semiconductor p–n junction and the natural optical activity in chiral materia...
Directional transport and propagation of quantum particle and current, such as electron, photon, spin, and phonon, are known to occur in the materials system with broken inversion symmetry, as exemplified by the diode in semiconductor p–n junction and the natural optical activity in chiral materia...
Emergent constraint on crop yield response to warmer temperature from field experiments The climate wrecking ball striking food supply Newly Identified Jet-Stream Pattern Could Imperil...
The identification and characterization of spontaneous symmetry breaking is central to our understanding of strongly correlated two-dimensional materials. In this work, we utilize the angle-resolved measurements of transport non-reciprocity to investigat
The length of the model is L, the heights of fin near the inlet and outlet of the computational domain are H1 and H2, respectively, the thickness of the fin is t1, the thickness of the base is t0, and the overall width of the model is S+t1. The total fin volume and fin-material...
Heteroleptic cages within these familial structures often showcase intricate, precisely adjusted designs and unique emergent properties, standing apart from their homoleptic counterparts. The concepts and examples articulated within this article are intended to furnish a reasoned framework for designing ...
Acute lethal effects of neonicotinoids dispersed as particles in the air seem to be promoted by high environmental humidity (Girolami et al.2012). Honeybees also transport toxic dust particles on their bodies into the hive (Girolami et al.2012). Sunny and warm days also seem to favour the di...
fNIRS: An emergent method to document functional cortical activity during infant movements 2016, Frontiers in Psychology Assessing the impact of movement consequences on the development of early reaching in infancy 2016, Frontiers in Psychology View all citing articles on ScopusView...
Further characterizations are highly desirable in order to study the emergent behaviors near ments under higher pressures are needed to determine For YNA, it would be of interest to relate the measured ctbhhoeatnhegxVeissct1ienannctdhe eoVvfc2aa.leFmnocaregenwxeaittmihcptQlheCe, cPloarwineftuY...
In low-dimensional systems, the combination of reduced dimensionality, strong interactions and topology has led to a growing number of many-body quantum phenomena. Thermal transport, which is sensitive to all energy-carrying degrees of freedom, provides a discriminating probe of emergent excitations in...