from her loving Granny, without being told where she was going, only that she was to attend a new school and would have to live there. None of her questions were ever answered. She would be deposited at the Magdalene laundry in New Ross, County Wexford run by the Order of the Good ...
It is not (just) the state thugs, the police, that have to go, but the state itself if humans cannot figure out how to make it work for everyone. Meanwhile we allow ourselves to let it and its assorted businesses to peddle and pimp us for our taxes, profit and mindless loyalty. At...
In the fourteenth year of the Caliph-Emperor Saleh IV’s reign, a woman named Amatullah gave birth to a child that presented a major medical curiosity. Somehow, the child had been carried to term without a functioning heart–a development which prompted an emergency surgery. Cutting-edge medic...
Like your parents, my Dad is scared but probably one of those deemed an acceptable casualty as he’s fighting the effects of Agent Orange from Vietnam so in the long run, if the virus took him out, he’d save the government’s bottom line since his medical care is already expensive fo...