Ambulance Service Spells out High Cost of Non-Emergency Call-OutsMERSEYSIDE ambulance is warning that people's lives could be put at risk if members of the public misuse the service.Daily Post (Liverpool, England)
We present a manpower allocation and vehicle routing problem (MAVRP), which is a real-life healthcare problem derived from the non-emergency ambulance transfer service in Hong Kong public hospitals. Both manpower and vehicles are critical resources for the hospitals in their daily operations. The...
Objective: To assess the safety of nurses and paramedics offering telephone assessment, triage, and\udadvice as an alternative to immediate ambulance despatch for emergency ambulance service callers\udclassified by lay call takers as presenting with "non-serious" problems (category C calls).\udDesign...
OP07Might ambulance service organisational culture affect ambulance non conveyance rates?Background Ambulance services are experiencing increasing demand for response to emergency calls. In response, they have increased the proportion of patients not conveyed to an emergency department (ED). Alternatives to...
Ambulance services are experiencing increasing demand for response to emergency calls. In response, they have increased the proportion of patients not conveyed to an emergency department (ED). Alternatives to transporting patients to an ED include the provision of telephone advice only (‘hear and tre...
Background: The experience of person-centredness and person-centred climate is poorly understood in the context of being assessed as non-urgent and, in many cases, left at home by the Ambulance Service.Aim: The overall objective of this thesis was to explore experiences of person-centredness and...
(Lounsbury 2004) Despite this, for any Iraqi admitted to his hospital, this physician reported that the same standard of emergency care was provided; only the post-acute care following discharge differed, as Iraqis were not eligible for evacuation to the United States. Although well-resourced to...
In June 2024, I flew to Israel to support my loved ones in the continuing emergency. The anniversary of my mother’s death fell during my visit, and together with my sister and brother, I went up to Jerusalem to offer prayers at the Wall in memory of our Mum. ...
Khandelwal V. Global Intervention for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2013;2(4):1.PubMed|Google Scholar Puska P, Nissinen A, Tuomilehto J, et al. The community-based strategy to prevent coronary heart disease: conclusions from the ten years...
One man in Wales who thought he had a fly in his ear called 999,the emergency services number in Britain.And so did a woman who was worried about her green potatoes.Could she make chips with them?Were they poisonous?She didn't hesitate about calling the local ambulance service to ask....