Define nondriver. nondriver synonyms, nondriver pronunciation, nondriver translation, English dictionary definition of nondriver. n a person who does not drive a car Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperColl
The identification and inclusion of non-detects reduce the potential for high bias in regions where the ammonia sources either vary (e.g., seasonal events, episodic events such as forest fires, etc.) or in general tend to approach zero. A more extreme example of this would be large forest...
The accurate and reliable discovery of genomic drivers in tumours may have critical implications for patients with cancer. Our findings and the methods introduced here for the discovery of point-mutation and structural-variant drivers, method integration, vetting of candidates and identification of local...
LncRNA and protein-coding predictions for ExInAtor and the rest of PCAWG methods, as well as the combined list of drivers, were extracted from the consortium database16. Parameters and details about each individual methods and the combined list of drivers can be found on the main PCAWG driver...
A Study of Anaerobic Fermentation of Biodiesel Derived Crude Glycerol into Butanol Using Clostridium pasteurianum ATCC 6013; The University of Alabama in Huntsville: Huntsville, AL, USA, 2012; p. 218. [Google Scholar] Moon, C.; Hwan, C.; Sang, B.; Um, Y. Optimization of medium ...