无损探伤检测(Non-destructive testing ) 是利用声、光、磁和电等特性,在不损害或不影响被检对象使用性能的前提下,检测被检对象中是否存在缺陷或不均匀性,给出缺陷的大小、位置、性质和数量等信息…… 进而判定被检对象所处技术状态(如合格与否、剩余寿命等)的所有技术手段的总称NDT 是指对材料或工件实施一种不...
non destructive inspection 【机】 不破坏检查 non destructive analysis 非破坏性分析 相似单词 non destructive 无损的,非破坏性 destructive a. 毁灭性的,破坏的,有害的 testing n.[U] 测试,试验,检查 a.(问题或情况)棘手的,伤脑筋的,难应付的 self destructive a. 自毁的;自灭的 non ad. 1.【...
NDT (Non-destructive testing) is conducted by means of an x-ray source that produces x-rays to have a 100% product quality [...] claymount.com NDT(无损害性测试)技术就是 利用X射线仪器 产 生X射 线对 产品质 量 进行 10 0%的检测,这项技术可以在复杂持续的生产中实现产品质量零缺陷。
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is exactly what its name implies— testing without destroying. More specifically, a non-destructive test is an examination of an object or material in any manner that will not impair its future usefulness. The major tools of NDT are radiography, ultrasonic,dye ...
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)无损检测(NDT)无损检测是指在不损害或不影响被检测对象使用性能,不伤害被检测对象内部组织的前提下,利用材料内部结构异常或缺陷存在引起的热、声、光、电、磁等反应的变化,以物理或化学方法为手段,借助现代化的技术和设备器材,对试件内部及表面的结构、性质、状态及缺陷...
Non-destructive testing可能是指: 質量檢驗--非破壞性檢驗(Non-destructive testing):是指檢驗時產品不受到破壞,或雖然有損耗但對產品質量不發生實質性影響的檢驗。 設備管理--無損檢測(Non-destructive testing):是在不損壞試件的前提下,以物理或化學方法為手段,藉助先進的報術和設備器材,對試件的內部及錶面的結...
VT-Visual Testing Who may perform non-destructive testing? Standard-compliant testing requires a certified inspector who, depending on experience and training, has achieved one of the following three levels in the respective test type (VT, MT, PT, UT, RT). ...
AC7114-2--Nadcap Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Suppliers Magnetic Particle Survey AC7114-2S--用于无损检测(NDT)供应商的Nadcap补充审核标准 磁粉探伤 AC7114-2S--Nadcap Supplemental Audit Criteria for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Suppliers Magnetic Particle Survey ...
Types of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Inspection Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is the examination of an object or material with technology that does not affect its future usefulness. NDT techniques do not harm or destroy the object under test. NDT can provide an excellent balance of ...