3. In terms of extant regulations, Government NBFCs have been provided time upto March 31, 2022 to adhere to the capital adequacy norms provided for NBFCs (Ref. Annex I of Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company and Deposit...
No NBFC can commence or carry on business of a financial institution including acceptance of public deposit without obtaining a Certificate of Registration (COR) from the Reserve Bank. Supervision of NBFCs: The Supervisory framework for NBFCs is based on three aspects—(a) the size of NBFC,...
NBFC will have to reduce its public deposits within a specified time frame, when decline in credit rating is noticed. Every non-banking financial company accepting or holding public deposit shall submit an audited balance sheet to RBI on the last date of each financial year. NBFC Prudential ...
Learn about NPA (Non-Performing Assets), its definition, full form, and the importance of provisioning for NPA in banking and financial sectors.