An argument between two girls on Snapchat was logged by Derbyshire Constabulary as a non-crime hate incident The data uncovered that forces hadrecorded incidentswhen a rude word was spelt with alphabet cups in a Tesco supermarket and when a member of the public became upset about the name of ...
The purpose of this study was to explore the relevant differences between law enforcement, fire protection and emergency medical response agencies on crime and non-crime related incidents, and to prepare possible guidelines to enhance overall on scene performance.; The literature presented interoperable ...
Sexual violence is a crime of power, and opportunity, not desire. Most people sort of have a clue about this, but the corollary is that most community predators are also awful to people they are not attracted to. See, for example, the use of unpaid or underpaid labour in the Gaiman in...
My question for you: should “hinkiness” in itself be a crime? It obviously diverts the attention of emergency workers from their more important duties, and causes collateral damage in incidents like this. Should it, as the anonymous poster suggested, be considered comparable to turning in a ...
Now in spite of what little old HB thinks, I don’t hate HRC, or women. I have spent a ton of time however, trying to get people to understand WHY she was a lousy candidate. People believe what they want to believe, and ignore what they want to ignore. I posted the irrefutabl...