I was born on Tamilnadu & belong to OBC. I completed my studies till +2 from Kerala.. can I get noncreamy layer from kerala Reply Follow 2 Replies Sumiya Sherif 10 February 2019 but my whole family is living in Kerala & have job.we have residential certificate in Kerala. Then can I...
Brahmbhatt, Alok
In the case of infiltrating early caries lesions, the presence of the highly mineralised surface layer with low pore volume might prevent the penetration of the infiltrating resin into the subsurface porosities underneath it [26]. Elimination of the surface layer to expose the porous subsurface ...
The banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) and the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis represent two of the most important pests of bananas. Previously, colonization of banana plants by the non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum (isolate V5w2) and the entomo
Non creamy layer criteria?My name is Sanjay gowda,I'm from Karnataka, my father working in Karnataka state government "C" grade employee,my father salary income 10lack only and no other income my family, my OBC Application rejection by my talsildar considering my parents salary income, so ...