Thus Actor Topic verbs have an agent as the subject, as in (4a), and Theme Topic verbs have a theme subject, as in (4b). The third voice is called Circumstantial Topic and almost any other non-core argument can be the subject (in (4c) it is an instrument). When the agent is ...
NOT the ones run by churches, or hard core conservatives due to reluctance to have their kids in integrated schools, etc. But I do believe in the ones we OUGHT to have…… private schools publicly funded that, IF they were to exist, would allow people to get their kids out of the A...
However again there was no marked difference in the number who were bilingual or multilingual speakers [5:8]. Table 1 therefore aggregates over learning history and reports quantitative measures of our participants as a function of our core interest (bilingual/multilingual) and also as a function...
Y. Sag˘ The second part presents the core analysis, associating the fact that NCs are uni- versally restricted to indefiniteness with the cardinal head, which, I propose, involves a built-in choice function variable in its denotation (cf. Jiang 2012). I further propose that in languages...
If you decide Erwin managed to spot Velvet hinding and acts in a way that gives her a slightest suspiction he may know, you can freely consider she'll jump down to engage him in unarmed combat without using her main powers. Obviously, I'd rather have both at this point be of equal ...
a. The locus of children’s non-targetlike interpretations of telic sentences in a given language lies with tense-aspectual forms that are in a one-to-many correspondence with meaning; b. Non-targetlike interpretations of telic sentences result from children’s immature command of pragmatic reason...
accompanied by several dozen followers. After each day’s march the group stopped in a village along the route, where increasingly larger crowds would gather to hear Gandhi speak about the unfairness of the tax on poor people. Hundreds more would join the core group of followers as they made...
The notion of certainty, i.e., a speaker’s full commitment to the truth value of the proposition, is one of the core, and modally unmarked, meanings commonly attributed to the indicative mood crosslinguistically. In CLA, complete or strong certainty seems to trigger the choice of the indica...