However, the picture was complicated by different movements in core andnon-core funding. 但是,不同的核心和非核心供资活动使情况变得复杂化。 UN-2 The continuing imbalance between core andnon-core funding; 核心资源和非核心资源之间的不平衡状况继续存在; ...
Define nonfunded. nonfunded synonyms, nonfunded pronunciation, nonfunded translation, English dictionary definition of nonfunded. adj lacking funding Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1
Gene-expression data were provided by the PCAWG Transcriptome Core Group66, and also generated using the same approach for an extended set of non-coding transcripts (Supplementary Methods). Additional evidence for selection In addition to associations between mutations or structural variants and expressio...
NPOs must generatesufficient funds to conduct core programming. As it is challenging to raise funds quickly, they monitor funding gaps that may risk cuts to programs in response to insufficient funds. NPOs generally have far lower levels of debt than for-profit businesses, as limited repayment opt...
This paper investigates the role of home monetary policy stance and banking regulation on short-term noncore funding in Central, Eastern and Southeastern E
Close to two-thirds of this was given as non-core funding (funding earmarked for a specific purpose or region). Through these contributions the aid program has supported work in a wide range of settings, from building bridges and roads in the Greater Mekong Subregion, reconstruction in ...
The authors thank the Stanford University Pathology Histology core facility; the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute; the Stanford Diabetes Research Center P30DK116074; the Pathology Department; the Long laboratory for helpful discussions; and the Stanford Behavioral and Functional Neuroscience Laboratory for be...
Federal government transfers to the core non profit organizations increased while the provincial shares declined. Non-profits are big business The local chamber of commerce lists 65 non profit organizations in the area, each welcoming volunteer manpower. Raising fundraising to lofty levels: Florida stud...
Retrieved September 16, 2019, from Realdoll. (2019). Build your Realdoll. Retrieved September 14, 2019, from Richardson, K. (2016). The ...
FDIC Warning on Noncore Funding.(Market Monitor)(Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.)(Brief article)Adler, Joe