Underlying all of this is the fundamental problem of the country's having adopted twononcongruentideals of higher education.— Nicholas Lemann Word History First Known Use 1868, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofnoncongruentwas in 1868 ...
The meaning of NONCONFRONTATIONAL is avoiding or being without confrontation. How to use nonconfrontational in a sentence.
More recently, a non-literal enactment effect was discovered in which verbal material that was not literally congruent with the accompanying movement was nevertheless better remembered if the speaker had been moving during the utterance. The early demonstrations of this phenomenon involved actors' ...
altruistic behavior and sympathy1. The term “empathy” has been used as a label for a number of psychological processes and related consequences over the past century2. One of the most common definitions of empathy is “feeling a vicarious emotion that is congruent with...
Can you find a mention here of Child Nutrition Healthy School Meals or anything even remotely congruent to the Central Plot. I would happily condone its linguistic inadequacy had the CentralTheme not been so completely side-lined. The Bureaucrat CONCERNEDseemed completelyUNCONCERNEDas to why I found...
This is congruent with previous NLF studies in rats, rhesus monkeys and humans.35., 48., 119., 120. Additionally, neither compound 21 nor compound 23 at any dose examined functioned as reinforcers because no dose maintained a significant number of infusions earned above saline. These results ...
Table12displays the parameters that exhibit discriminant and convergent validity as well as internal consistency congruent with the values obtained for the full study 1 dataset (Bagozzi & Yi,1988; Fornell & Larcker,1981; Hair et al.,2010). The aforementioned model fit indices also closely resemble...
To our knowledge, this is the first report of snoRNAs binding a protein to influence its subcellular trafficking, congruent with expanding roles of snoRNAs outside of canonical ribosomal RNA modification. Additionally, the observation that KRAS binds non-coding RNA raises the possibility that GTPase...
it is a foundational tenet of everything we research and teach at the Nonverbal Group. It’s not necessarily what you say, but how you say it that has more of an impact on the way a message is perceived. Individuals who don’t have congruent communication will face a lot of social...
When one is asking, pleading, appealing, showing uncertainty, questioning, or acting in deference, then one should accompany ones relative position with a posture that is congruent. “What you are seeing when you watch a palm-up sign is a continuation of a movement pattern that has survived ...