Define noncancelable. noncancelable synonyms, noncancelable pronunciation, noncancelable translation, English dictionary definition of noncancelable. adj. not subject to cancellation. non•can`cel•a•bil′i•ty, n. Random House Kernerman Webster
noncancellable (ˌnɒnˈkænsələbəl)or noncancelable adj (Banking & Finance) (of a policy, ticket, or agreement) not able to be cancelled Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
noncancellable adjective 语法 Alternative spelling of noncancelable. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-爱沙尼亚文字典 tühistamatu Indrek Hein 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ noncancellable "自动翻译成 爱沙尼亚文 错误 再试一次 Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate ...
“I have an async operation that’s not cancelable. How do I cancel it?” The construction of the question often makes me chuckle, but I understand and appreciate what’s really being asked. The developer typically isn’t asking how to cancel the operation itself (if they are asking that,...
“I have an async operation that’s not cancelable. How do I cancel it?” The construction of the question often makes me chuckle, but I understand and appreciate what’s really being asked. The developer typically isn’t asking how to cancel the operation itself (if they are asking that...
Non-Cancelable, Non-Returnable Non-Cancellable Guaranteed Renewable Policies Non-Cancellable Guaranteed Renewable Policy Non-Cancellable Health Insurance Non-Cancellable Insurance Policies Non-Cancellable Insurance Policy Non-Cancer Length of Stay Non-Cancerous Matched Oral Tissue ...
noncabinet noncaking noncall noncallable noncallable bond noncaloric noncampus noncancelable noncancellable noncancerous noncandidacy noncandidate noncapital noncapitalist noncarbonated noncarcinogen noncarcinogenic noncardiac noncareer noncarrier ▼
nonbrand nonbreakable non-breakable nonbreathing nonbreeder nonbreeding nonbroadcast nonbuilding non-buoyant nonburnable nonbusiness nonbuying noncabinet noncaking noncall noncallable noncallable bond noncaloric noncampus noncancelable noncancellable ▼...
“I have an async operation that’s not cancelable. How do I cancel it?” The construction of the question often makes me chuckle, but I understand and appreciate what’s really being asked. The developer typically isn’t asking how to cancel the operation itself (if they are asking that...