With trans youth estimated at around 0.5% of the population and no reliable measures, school health surveys have not asked gender diversity items. In 2018, the British Columbia Adolescent Health Survey (BCAHS) in Canada trialled measures to differentiate cisgender, trans, and non-binary youth, ...
Nonbinary gender identities are prominent among gender diverse youth, having increased significantly over the last decade. Leading theories in support of gender diversity argue that greater acceptance, the availability of more descriptive and inclusive language, and diverse sociocultural forces are behind ...
19 The percentage of high schools offering teaching on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, and contraception that is relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth varies from 20%–67.5% across states, with a median of 42.9%.20 Fewer than 20% of LGBTQ ...
They/them pronouns are often used by gender nonconforming, gender nonbinary, and genderqueer people in place of the gendered pronouns he/his and she/hers. Using the correct pronouns shows respect, acceptance, and validation of a person's gender identity. If you aren't sure about someone's ...
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are general-purpose optimisers that come with several parameters like the sizes of parent and offspring populations or the mu
Gender-affirming hormones have been shown to improve psychological functioning and quality of life among transgender and nonbinary (trans) people, yet, scant research exists regarding whether and why individuals take more or less hormones than prescribed
a smallnonprobability sampleworks well in most cases; it does not take many people to start seeing trends inusability issues. A large,probability sampleis unnecessary because you do not need to generalize theusability testfindings to the population (i.e., estimate what percentage of all responden...
Characteristics of the study population is presented in Table1. Twenty-four participants (60.5%) were female, 14 (36.8%) were male and 1 (2.6%) was non-binary. Mean age and body mass index in the study population were, respectively, 41 years old and 22.7 kg/m2. Unfiltered tap wate...
1 Firm performance The percentage ratio between a focal firm's net income and its total assets Osiris Bureau van Dijk Independent variable 2 Internationalization ∑Piln(1/Pi), where Pi is the percentage of sales in country i; and ln(1/Pi) is the weight of each country Edge by Ascential...
This study describes a dynamic non-linear mathematical approach for modeling the course of disease in acquired brain injury (ABI) patients. Data from a multicentric study were used to evaluate the reliability of the Michaelis–Menten (MM) model applied to well-known clinical variables that assess ...