The availability of this type shifting also makes unmarked nouns compatible with distributive predicates. NCs in Mandarin-like languages require a mediator between the noun and the numeral because kinds are not the right type for counting purposes under the view that counting operates on the ...
Some of the participants felt that the availability of this test will open the abortion debate in the country. “There will always be these politicians and these congressmen and senators who will pick up that opportunity and say, this is it. If you know, why not (give the option to termi...
two independent, but interacting, sources for children’s overacceptance of non-culminating event interpretations for perfective telic sentences: (i) the availability of non-maximal readings for the incremental theme, and (ii) the use of a tense marker with more than one aspectual meaning. ...
Introduction The Indicative Mood in Arabic Previous Accounts of -ūn and b- in NSW The Non-Indicative Modal Functions of -ūn and b- Conclusions Funding Institutional Review Board Statement Informed Consent Statement Data Availability Statement Acknowledgments Conflicts of Interest Notes Referencesshare...
Conclusions: This study adds to mounting efforts aimed at leveraging digital technology to increase the availability of evidence-based mental health services in primary care settings in low-resource settings. Keywords: depression; psychological treatment; task sharing; primary care; pilot study; non-...