AuxeticPorous materialsStructuralFunctionalMechanical metamaterials are an extraordinary class of materials that harness their unusual characteristics from the geometrical features. Herein, we report a design strategy to decipher anisotropic and aperiodic nonwovens as auxetic metamaterials by carefully decorating ...
mechanical design, it would be easy to realize the required function by employing multi-body dynamical systems, such as gear and rack systems. However, there are still many challenges to overcome in the design of periodic porous metamaterials with embedded multi-body systems. For instance, the ...
Here, using computational models and experimental tests, we studied the non-affinity of the deformations taking place in a special class of multi-material mechanical metamaterials that are made from two distinct phases, namely a hard phase and a soft phase. We aimed to separate the non-affinity ...
Fig. 5. Mechanical metamaterials for non-homogeneous transformations having periodic architectures. Uniform bending: (a) KinetiX, a metamaterial inspired in the auxetic rotating units. Figures reprinted from [48] with permission from Elsevier. Buckling-based modes: (b) Pore-shape dependent nonlinear re...
Vibro-acoustic performance and design of annular cellular structures with graded auxetic mechanical metamaterials An exciting paradigm in the ongoing development of materials is the development of auxetic mechanical metamaterials, which can be flexibly designed to exhi... QYD Li - 《Journal of Sound &...
Wave propagation and free vibration of FG graphene platelets sandwich curved beam with auxetic core resting on viscoelastic foundation via DQM A novel shear and normal deformations theory is presented in this article to illustrate the wave propagation and free vibration of three-layer sandwich cur......
mechanical propertiesPoisson's ratiorotating rigid unitsOver the years, great advances have been made in the field of auxetic metamaterials where one of the main focuses was the production of systems which can be produced through simple and relatively inexpensive means. In this work, auxetic systems...
auxeticfinite element analysismechanical metamaterialsmechanical propertiesPoisson's ratiorotating rigid unitsIn this work, we investigate the deformation mechanism of auxetic hierarchical rotating square systems through a dynamics approach. We show how their deformation behaviour, hence their mechanical ...
Sheets made from easily available conventional non-crystalline materials which contain star or triangular shaped perforations are simulated through FE models and are shown to be capable of exhibiting auxetic behaviour, a property which may be observed for loading in both tension and compression. An att...
[3]. Initially, rationally designed mechanical metamaterials were developed to generate auxeticity (i.e., a negative Poisson’s ratio)[4],[5],[6],[7]. With the rapid advances in design methods andadditive manufacturing, a variety of counterintuitive mechanical properties have emerged, including...