It was John Maynard Keynes who once famously alluded to the thin dividing line between Fair & Foul in a Nation’s Economics. Like most of his quotable quotes, this too is applicable to most of our problems which have eluded solutions despite well-meaning policy formulation & budgetary allocati...
Recently, it has been reported that the biomimetic PCL/gelatin-aligned scaffolds have been used for the mechanical restoration of the injured tendon in a rabbit model [40]. It should be noted that different topographic cues of scaffolds may cause different performance in mechanics and cell ...
Internationally, Nehru’s star was in the ascendant until October 1956, when India’s attitude on theHungarian Revolutionagainst the Soviets brought his policy ofnonalignment(neutralism) under sharp scrutiny by the noncommunist countries. In theUnited Nations, India was the only nonalignedcountryto ...