The explicit relation between the two is embodied in the engineering transfer function of the system. That is already suggestive, but it is very risky to simply extrapolate such ideas of a simple or even a complicated system, that when a system is fabricated by closure to efficient causation,...
(DSTATCOM), Type-3 Energies 2016, 9, 982 3 of 23 (Distributed Generator that injects both active and reactive power PQ, i.e., synchronous generator, combine heat transfer (CHP), gas turbine or cogeneration) and Type-4 (Distributed Generator that injects active power but at the same ...
Several mechanisms for Sec and Pyl insertion in protein sequences are present in different organisms, but context dependency is the universal feature of these occurrences and they can be regarded as preprogrammed modifications of canonical decoding rules. 3. Genetic Code Expansion for Co-Translational ...