non-词源中文解释 这是一个在英语中自由使用的前缀,表示“没有,缺乏”或“假的”,赋予任何词汇消极的意义,14世纪起源于盎格鲁-法语的 noun-,来自古法语的 non-,源自拉丁语的 non “不,绝不,一点也不,没有”,源自古拉丁语的 noenum “没有一个”(*ne oinom,源自 PIE 词根 *ne- “不” + PIE 词根...
nonexistential词源英文解释 The first known use of nonexistential was in 1893
nonconsumer词源英文解释 The first known use of nonconsumer was in 1832 nonconsumer 例句 1.Within a year Zander was out, and Brown, who had run Motorola’s nonconsumer businesses before being elevated to Zander’s No. 2, was in.
noncomputer英英释义 adjective not being or including a computer or computers : not relating to or involving computersnoncomputer methods/specialties employees with noncomputer backgrounds noncomputer devices/systems noncomputer词源英文解释 The first known use of noncomputer was in 1955...
non-native词源英文解释 The first known use of non-native was in 1845 non-native 例句 1.nonnative customs that made the recent immigrants stand out in their new country 2.But after humans colonized New Zealand, bringing non-native species, such as Polynesian dogs, the species vanished. ...
nonintellectual词源英文解释 The first known use of nonintellectual was in 1649 nonintellectual 例句 1.Mr. Glassie, a former contributing editor at The New York Times Magazine whose first book was a photo essay called “Bicycles Locked to Poles,” tries hard to find some nonintellectual action ...
non·emo·tion·alˌnän-i-ˈmō-sh(ə-)nəl nonemotional英英释义 adjective not emotional : unemotional a nonemotional person nonemotional reactions nonemotional词源英文解释 The first known use of nonemotional was in 1859 相关词 brims brimmed broads briolette briskness broac...
non·con·struc·tionˌnän-kən-ˈstrək-shən nonconstruction英英释义 adjective not of, relating to, or involving the construction industry nonconstruction jobs nonconstruction costs/activities nonconstruction词源英文解释
non·em·phat·icˌnän-im-ˈfa-tik -em- nonemphatic英英释义 adjective not emphaticespecially: not uttered with or marked by emphasis a nonemphatic tone of voice nonemphatic词源英文解释 The first known use of nonemphatic was in 1863...
non·com·mu·ni·tyˌnän-kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē noncommunity英英释义 adjective not of, relating to, or serving a community noncommunity banks/hospitals noncommunity词源英文解释 The first known use of noncommunity was in 1907...