The appointment of our Nominee Director services will be subject to the agreeable result of “Know-Your-Client” due diligence which will be performed by our compliance team. Our Nominee Director annual fee isS$3,500. We also require a security deposit ofS$5,000which will be refunded according...
In addition to our Nominee Director fee, you will be required to pay a refundable security deposit for the provision of our nominee director service. The security deposit is collected to safeguard the interests of Nominee Director. You can terminate our Services at any time and replace our Nomin...
One key aspect of this process is appointing a nominee director to ensure compliance with local laws and establish a local presence. Appointing a nominee director is important, but it can be daunting for a business owner looking to open a business in Singapore — we're here to show you how...
Inconsiderationof(“theNominee”)of98(“theNominee'saddress”)agreeingatmy/ourrequesttoactasaDirectorof.(“theCompany”)of(“theCompany'sRegisteredAddress”).I,(“theDirector”)of(“theDirector'saddress”) as representative of the sole investor Spring Airline Co., Ltd.,herebyagreeasfollows:- (...