nominal stress–strain diagramtensile testtrue straintrue stressyield point phenomenonSeemingly a simple task, the extraction of the flow curve (true stress vs. true plastic strain) from nominal stresses and strains in standard tensile testing still has its unsolved points. This study addresses two ...
nominal strain公称应变,名义应变 nominal fracture strain标称破裂应变 on the strain处于紧张状态,紧张地 at the strain处于紧张状态,紧张地 strain atv. 紧拉,紧拖 nominal plaintiff名义上的原告,名义上原告,名义原告 strain drainstrain drain (由 brain drain 衍生而来) 由于工作压力太大而导致的人才流失, 人才...
2) nominated stress strain method 名义应力应变法3) nominal stress 名义应力 1. Study of fatigue strength assessment methods of welded structures based on nominal stress; 基于名义应力的焊接结构疲劳强度评定方法研究 2. The fatigue strength of duplex stainless steel welded jointing with longitudinal ...
However, the strain gauges should be affixed exterior the stress concentration region of the welded joint in order to disregard the stress field resulting from the structural component's discontinuities [84]. Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 20. Nominal stress in a beam member [84]. A...
The conclusion showed that local stress-strain method is more accurate and reliable thannominal stress methodand we used the example to prove the correctness of the conclusion. 评述了两种估算方法的估算步骤和特点,对两种方法在疲劳估算寿命的可靠性上做了一个简单的比较,对比结果表明:局部应力应变法比名义...
nominal stress 名义应力,公称应力,标称应力 fracture stress 断裂应力 stress fracture 应力性骨折 nominal fracture strain 标称破裂应变 nominal compression stress 标称压缩应力 nominal yield stress 名义屈服应力 nominal tensile stress 标称拉应力 nominal shearing stress 标称剪应力 stress corrosion fractu...
3)nominated stress strain method名义应力应变法 4)probabilistic nominal stress approach概率名义应力法 1.A probabilistic nominal stress approach is proposed based on Miner s cumulative fatigue damage rule,the p-S-N curves of the material and.由危险点应力分布、材料的p-S-N曲线和Miner理论给出了概率名...
Once inhomogeneous deformation (neck formation) starts, the nominal stress–nominal strain curve has no fundamental significance; within the necked portion the stress and strain are larger than σn and εn, while the opposite is true in the un-necked portions of the gauge section. Developments ...
5) nominal stress 名义应力 1. Study of fatigue strength assessment methods of welded structures based on nominal stress; 基于名义应力的焊接结构疲劳强度评定方法研究 2. The fatigue strength of duplex stainless steel welded jointing with longitudinal fillet welded gusset and with longitudinal flat side ...
5) nominal strain 标称应变6) shear stress 剪切应力 1. Study on shear stress induced osteoblasts K+ channel opening; 剪切应力诱导成骨细胞钾离子通道开放的研究 2. Role of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor in shear stress-induced endothelium-dependent relaxations of rats; 内皮依赖性超...