nominal p value应该就是alpha水平,是自己确定的,你认为这个值比如设定0.05,0.01是显著的那就设定...
得到的HR的P就是写的是“nominal P value”,然而总体人群比较得到的P值就是正常的P值。 Article PubMed Google Scholar McCabe, M.P.: Sexual knowledge, experience and feelings among people with disability. Sex. Disabil. 17, 157–170 (1999). Article Google Scholar McCarthy, M.: Sexuality ...
Number of SNPs with nominal P-value ≤10E-5 based on GxE GWAS.JuSheng, ZhengDonna, K. ArnettYuChi, LeeJian, ShenLaurence, D. ParnellCaren, E. SmithKris, RichardsonDuo, LiIngrid, B. BoreckiJose, M. Ordovás
Nếu bất kỳ đối số nào không phải dạng số, hàm NOMINAL trả về giá trị lỗi #VALUE! . Nếu effect_rate ≤ 0 hoặc nếu npery < 1, hàm NOMINAL trả về giá trị lỗi #NUM! . ...
into 3,900,000 shares of a nominal or par value of HK $0.10 each with power for the Company insofar as [...] 6 本公司股本為390,000港元,分為3,900,000 股 每 股面 值 0. 10港 元 的股 份,且本 公司在法律允許的情況下有權贖回或購入其任何股份、增設或削減上述...
who togetherholdmore than50%innominal valueofthe issued share capital of the Company having [...] [...] 等收購事項放棄投票;及(ii)取得一名或一批有密切聯繫的股東(持有或合共持有本公司已發 行股本面值超過50%且有權出席股東大會並於會上投票)之書面批准,則該等收購事項所...
value for the maximum permitted circulating reactive current in relation to the nominal current of the current transformer. 在该显示页面中,您可以根据电流互感器的额定电流为最大允许的无功环流设 置极限值。 As an example, our standard BLDC40SG01 motor with a 12VDC power ...
into 40,000,000 shares of a nominal or par value of HK$0.2 each, with power for the Company [...] 本公司的股本為 8,000,000 港元,分為 40,000,000 股每股面值或票面值 0.2 港元 的股份,只要 在法律容許的情況下,本公司有權贖回或購入其任何股份、增 加或減少上述股本(惟...