药学小知识分享 —— 有机化合物命名(Nomenclature of Organic Compounds). 有机化合物种类繁多,结构复杂,因此有机化合物的命名是一项非常具有挑战性的工作。国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)是国际上公认的化学命
Nomenclature of organic compounds (for fundamental organic chemistry) Functional group In organic chemistry, functional groups are specific groups of atoms within molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules. The same functional group will undergo the same or ...
有机物的命名方法(Nomenclature of organic compounds).doc,有机物的命名方法(Nomenclature of organic compounds) Nomenclature of organic matter The naming method of organic nomenclature, habit of nomenclature, some organic matter and name. First, the syst
This reference book aids chemical communication through the presentation of methods and their use in forming reasonable, acceptabel, and unambiguous names for organic compounds. It presents a common language for both sender and receiver in any context so that the nomenclature is made useful and under...
Short Summary of IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 热度: 《Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry》 热度: Organic Compounds: 热度: 相关推荐 1 LearningFramework oftheChapter... 1-1Introducon 1-2NamingHydrocarbonsAccordingtoIUPAC Convenons 1-3NamingCompoundsContainingOneorMore SimilarTypeofPrincipal...
Nomenclature of Organic Compounds NomenclatureofOrganicCompounds •TheNeedforClassificationofOrganicCompoundsThefieldoforganicchemistryisvast,foritincludesnotonlythecompositionofalllivingorganismsbutalsoofagreatmanyothermaterialsthatweusedaily.Itisphysicallyimpossibleforonetostudythepropertiesofeachofthehundredsof...
NOMENCLATUREOFORGANICCOMPOUNDS ©2010,2003,1980,byDavidA.Katz.Allrightsreserved. Organicchemistryisthechemistryofcarboncompounds.Carbonhastheabilitytobondwithitselfto formlongchainsand,asaresult,millionsofcompoundsfromsimplehydrocarbonstolarge biomoleculessuchasproteins,lipids,carbohydrates,andnucleicacids.Originallyit...
of carbon atoms word root1 meth- 2 eth- 3 prop-4 but-No.of carbon atoms Word root4 but- 5 pent- 6 hex- 7 hept- p 8 0ct- 9 non- 9 non- 10 dec-It denote the nature of carbon to carbon bond in the organic compounds. b d ane: bond ene: bond yne: bondIt represents the ...
Nomenclature_of_Organic_Compounds Nomenclature of Organic Compounds hydrocarbons, 烃类,碳氢化合物 alcohols, 醇类 aldehydes, 醛类 ketones, 酮类 ethers, 醚类 carboxylic acids, 羧酸 esters, 酯类 carbohydrates,糖类,碳水化合物 IUPAC System Despite the existence of the official IUPAC System, a great many ...
1、Nomenclature of Organic Compounds,The field of organic chemistry is vast, for it includes not only the composition of all living organisms but also of a great many other materials that we use daily. It is physically impossible for one to study the properties of each of the hundreds of ...