Rules for Naming Ionic Compounds - District 95 Lake :离子化合物的命名规则95湖地区 热度: 利用Plus 95为Windows 95“化妆” 热度: The,,,field,,,of,,,organic,,,chemistry,,,is,,,vast,,,for,,,it,,,includes,,,n ot,,,only,,,the,,,composition...
1 Nomenclatureof organiccompounds AnnaZhao 2013-03-14 2 •Hydrocarbonsarecomposedentirelyof carbonandhydrogenatomsbondedto eachotherbycovalentbonds. •Severalseriesofhydrocarbonsareknown. Theseincludethealkanesalkanes,alkenesalkenes,alkynesalkynes, andaromatichydrocarbonsaromatichydrocarbons. 3 Contents 1Saturated...
Derive names for common types of inorganic compounds using a systematic approach Nomenclature, a collection of rules for naming things, is important in science and in many other situations. This module describes an approach that is used to name simple ionic and molecular compounds, such as NaCl,...
1、nomenclature of inorganic inorganic nomenclaturecommon namesnomenclature of inorganic chemistrynaming ionic compounds (containing a metal or a polyatomic ion)naming molecular compounds (covalent)naming acidsnaming hydrates背诵elements1 hydrogen h 氢2 helium he 氦3 lithium li 锂4 beryllium be 铍5 boron...
Writing Formulas & Names for Molecular Compounds / 1 Nomenclature & Formula Writing 7 Writing Formulas & Names for Molecular Compounds INFORMATION Molecular compounds (sometimes called covalent compounds) follow a completely different set of rules for naming and formula writing than ionic ...
背诵MolecularNomenclature Prefixes Nomenclatureofinorganic chemistry Namingioniccompounds(containinga metalorapolyatomicion) Namingmolecularcompounds (covalent) Namingacids Naminghydrates 1Ioniccompounds1Ioniccompounds •1.Cation阳离子first,thenanion阴离子•2.Monatomiccation=nameofthe element,ifthereisonlyonesuch...
Types of Compounds binary compound: contains 2 elements ternary compound: contains 3 or more elements molecule: consist of nonmetal atoms held together by covalent bonds (e.g., H2O, CO2, etc.) ionic compound: a compound consisting of ions—usually metal cations with nonmetal or polyatomic ...
Ionic bonding- smallest possible unit formula unit Covalent bonding-atoms involved nonmetals Covalent bonding- electron behavoir shared Covalent bonding- smallest possible unit molecule When do you use prefixes when naming compounds in a covalent compound the # of atoms in each element presented is ind...
Ionic compounds 1. assign charges to each of the ions present Na+1 SO4-2 2. cross the charges and drop the signs Na2SO43. with elements that have multiple charges, the charge will be identified by roman numeral inside a parenthesis Fe2= IRON (II) FE3+ = IRON (III)4. reduce...
of the metal. The charge of the metal ion is determined from the formula of the compound and the charge of the anion. For example, consider binary ionic compounds of iron and chlorine. Iron typically exhibits a charge of either 2+ or 3+ (seeMolecular and Ionic Compounds), and the two ...