1、nomenclature of inorganic inorganic nomenclaturecommon namesnomenclature of inorganic chemistrynaming ionic compounds (containing a metal or a polyatomic ion)naming molecular compounds (covalent)naming acidsnaming hydrates背诵elements1 hydrogen h 氢2 helium he 氦3 lithium li 锂4 beryllium be 铍5 boron...
Molecular (Covalent) Compounds The bonding characteristics of inorganic molecular compounds are different from ionic compounds, and they are named using a different system as well. The charges of cations and anions dictate their ratios in ionic compounds, so specifying the names of the ions provides...
背诵MolecularNomenclature Prefixes Nomenclatureofinorganic chemistry Namingioniccompounds(containinga metalorapolyatomicion) Namingmolecularcompounds (covalent) Namingacids Naminghydrates 1Ioniccompounds1Ioniccompounds •1.Cation阳离子first,thenanion阴离子•2.Monatomiccation=nameofthe element,ifthereisonlyonesuch...
Rules for Naming Ionic Compounds - District 95 Lake :离子化合物的命名规则95湖地区 热度: 利用Plus 95为Windows 95“化妆” 热度: The,,,field,,,of,,,organic,,,chemistry,,,is,,,vast,,,for,,,it,,,includes,,,n ot,,,only,,,the,,,composition...
What system is used to name covalent compounds 2 Roman numeral for 5 3 Roman numeral for 10 4 Steps to name polyatomic ions 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(42) What are Binary Ionic Compounds Metal + Nonmetal What groups are Binary Ionic Compounds Group 1 & 2 and nonmetals Steps to write ...
Polyatomic Compounds Have both Ionic and Covalent bonding Ionic Bond Formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another Covalent Bond A chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons Balance and must have the same number of positives and negatives Charges must-關於...
(sometimes called covalent compounds) follow a completely different set of rules for naming and formula writing than ionic compounds. The bonds in molecular compounds are covalent. The word covalent means “shared (co-) valence (-valent),” or, more appropriately, “shared valence electrons.” ...
ternary compound: contains 3 or more elements molecule: consist of nonmetal atoms held together by covalent bonds (e.g., H2O, CO2, etc.) ionic compound: a compound consisting of ions—usually metal cations with nonmetal or polyatomic anions—held together by ionic bonds (e.g., NaCl, Al...
The charges of cations and anions dictate their ratios in ionic compounds, so specifying the names of the ions provides sufficient information to determine chemical formulas. However, because covalent bonding allows for significant variation in the combination ratios of the atoms in a molecule, the ...