Adicionar à Lista Adicionado por 3,2 mil usuários 69Avaliações de usuários 21Avaliações da críticaPrêmios 1 indicação no total Vídeos1 Trailer 2:33 The Street With No NameFotos18 Adicionar foto + 11 Elenco principal56 EditarMark...
Y do I Y&M YADAYADA Yade Yadosan Yaeger YAEM Yagiz Ince Yahel Yaksa Yamato YAMATOMAYA Yan Weinstock YANIK COEN Yantosh Yark Yas Cepeda Yasin Orman Yasmin Jane YAX.X Yeah Boy Yeah Yeah Yeahs Years Yeico Yellow Claw Yellow Is The New White Yellow Pvnk Yellwflwer Yero Yes I Am Yes Yes...
92. Yoshido, A. et al. Evolution of multiple sex-chromosomes associated with dynamic genome reshuffling in Leptidea wood-white butterflies. Heredity (Edinb.) 125, 138–154 (2020). 93. Buchfink, B., Xie, C. & Huson, D. H. Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND. Nat. ...
Yoshido, A. et al. Evolution of multiple sex-chromosomes associated with dynamic genome reshuffling in Leptidea wood-white butterflies. Heredity (Edinb.) 125, 138–154 (2020). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Buchfink, B., Xie, C. & Huson, D. H. Fast and sensitive protein alignment ...
Neoplastic transformation is the result of accumulation of numerous genetic and epigenetic alterations that convert a normal cell into a cancer cell and confers it with an ability to proliferate and sustain indefinitely. The increasing acknowledgement of the non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) as important players...
The gunfighter lived a life of repetitive style dependent on a repeating weapon, the revolver – an ideal, if malignant, way trough the problems of both law and stability, creativity and risk. In traditional kung-fu and akaido, at least some training of the whole body-mind is required thro...