Nokia 6300 4G和Nokia 8000 4G两款手机虽然是功能手机,但也支持一些智能手机用户经常用到的程序,例如WhatsApp、Facebook、YouTube、Google Maps和Google Assistant等,而且内置4G无线热点功能,可以将流动数据与其他设备分享。Nokia 6300 4G有黑、白、绿3色机身选择,Nokia 8000 4G则提供黑、白、蓝、金4色机身,即...
除了复兴Nokia品牌,HMD Global准备推出更多经典复刻,这次瞄准Nokia 6300 4G以及Nokia 8000 4G。据外媒报道,Nokia 6300 4G以及Nokia 8000 4G被Home Global定位是「最便宜的社群平台手机」,主要针对喜爱使用WhatsApp的用户,具备经典的九宫格实体按键输入法,外型几乎与古老的Nokia功能机非常相似。无论是Nokia 6300 4G...
Nokia 6300 4G 秉承了 2007 年推出的 Nokia 6300 设计风格,但也融入了现代化的元素,更适合现代人使用。该机运行 KaiOS 系统,支持运行 WhatsApp 等热门应用程序,还支持 Google Assis 语音助手。值得一提的是,这是目前诺基亚旗下提供同类功能的最便宜手机,平均零售价给 49 欧元。除了 4G 以外,这款手机还支...
you'll have to contend with poor group messaging support. Texts from groups are separated into individual messages, which can lead to poor communication with multiple people at once. This was an issue we faced on the Nokia6300 4G, as well. WhatsApp, available from the KaiOS app store, may...
WhatsApp is no longer supported, as of 25 June 2024. LDLCCONTEXT:With the Nokia 6300, stay in touch with all your loved ones thanks to its 4G connectivity. Perfect for following you everywhere, take advantage of its 2.4" screen with 240 x 320 pixel resolution to display everything you ne...
I ordered one of these. I didn't want Android or iOS, just something that would allow me to get my email and talk and text. And FaceBook and WhatsApp can be uninstalled. I also like that it's a Hot Spot (when needed). Since it's a dual SIM, I'll use Tello (T-Mobile) as...
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