Game details Genre: Role-playing - Action - Fantasy Tags: Action, Indie, Fantasy, Role-playing, 2D, show 11 more... Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: September 24, 2019 Company: Nolla Games / Nolla Games Size: 1.2 GB Links: Forum discussion Game features...
点击new game,在第一层用石板疯狂砸人赚了不少钱后,我潇洒的跳进传送门,结果———我因为玩noita太菜了被踹了出去.jpg。在之后就是熟悉的10分钟加载,熟悉的闪退,和熟悉的被迫关闭游戏(悲)。所以我只能依靠之前通关时收集的素材和最近看直播时记下来的东西来写了。 好了不多废话了,我们进入正题。 目录: 一:...
如何开启二周目..如题,小弟拿了5个魔球然后去雪山顶完成了伟大之作,然后网上搜开启二周目的方法,有的说自杀,有的说重新开新游戏,但是我自杀后发现是一局新游戏。PS:完成了伟大之作后显示了一个new game,然后晃了一
I'm a musician/game audio professional/web designer/3D modeler. Can I get in touch regarding my services? Yes - you can - but right now, or in the foreseeable future we have no open positions or freelancing opportunities for these professions. We already get a ton of email so please be...
UPDATE: There's a UI hint to enter New Game+MATERIALSFEATURE: A new guiding alchemy reaction UPDATE: The nests in Coal Pits are no longer flammable UPDATE: Frog meat is tastier than ever! UPDATE: Brass is no longer walk-through UPDATE: Sima stains give Wet status UPDATE: Fire emits occas...
oneThrone 女巫 1 平行世界 难度跟主世界是一样的哦,只要能穿过边界的诅咒岩石,装备基本上都没啥难度了吧,,只有 进 new game + 才会提升敌人的伤害 3楼2024-07-28 16:39 收起回复 好奇的Q 红宝石 8 有回血手段,400血都能去平行世界 来自Android客户端4楼2024-07-28 18:45 收起回复 贴吧...
Please realize that this game is one of those, where you kind of need to look at the wiki while playing. Obviously it gets better the more knowledge you accumulate but at first just keep an eye on there while playing. A good habit is to just pull up the wiki page for whatever new ...
Game Lore GuidesThe Wiki Community Registering Feel free to register for a wiki account and join our user base. Come check out the Noita discord server, join the #noita-wiki channel and feel free to ask for any help you need! Not sure where to start? Look out for new pages that may...
根据wiki的信息,你如果把造好的太阳运到地狱月亮处,或者在地狱月亮的地方再造一个太阳(需要进入new game+,再获得一个太阳种子),把地狱月亮也吞噬掉,你也会收到一条信息:As above, so below…—The new heart of the world is at balance. (如其在上,如其在下——世界归于平衡)并且成就石柱上会留下记录...
Game Lore GuidesThe Wiki Community Registering Feel free to register for a wiki account and join our user base. Come check out the Noita discord server, join the #noita-wiki channel and feel free to ask for any help you need! Not sure where to start? Look out for new pages that may...