中型(intermediat—scale)指量子计算机的qbit个数大概在50 到几百这个范围 嘈杂(noisy)指所能操作的量子...
While the experimental advancement towards realizing such devices will potentially take decades of research, noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers already exist. These computers are composed of hundreds of noisy qubits, i.e. qubits that are not error-corrected, and therefore perform ...
A Python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits. - quantumlib/Cirq
We propose a realistic hybrid classical-quantum linear solver to solve systems of linear equations of a specific type, and demonstrate its feasibility with Qiskit on IBM Q systems. This algorithm makes use of quantum random walk that runs in $${\bf{O}}$$
Qcover is an open source effort to help exploring combinatorial optimization problems in Noisy Intermediate-scale Quantum(NISQ) processor. - BAQIS-Quantum/Qcover
Intermediate-Scale: 中小规模。现有的量子计算机只能实现至多一百以内的量子比特数。比如谷歌提出的72qubit...
It is known that Mermin–Peres-like proofs of quantum contextuality can furnish non-local games with a guaranteed quantum strategy, when classically no such guarantee can exist. This phenomenon, also called quantum pseudo-telepathy, has been studied in the case of the so-called Mermin magic squar...
Quantum phase estimation is a paradigmatic problem in quantum sensing and metrology. Here we show that adaptive methods based on classical machine learning algorithms can be used to enhance the precision of quantum phase estimation when noisy non-entangled qubits are used as sensors. We employ the ...
A python framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits. - louishp/Cirq