Free or cheap noise converters work to some extent, but lack the polish and features of the professional converters, and the ability to resolve detail in a faithful way. I highly recommend this one as a great choice for pros. 1 0 Reply Mok-in-touch™ Feb 27 2006 4.0 0.0 It could ...
Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite for Mac ( Portraiture v4.0.3,Noiseware v5.1.3,RealGrain v2.1.3 ) PS磨皮/降噪/胶片插件3件套/支持:M1/M2/M3 Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite for Mac PS磨皮/胶片/降噪插件/支持:M1/M2/M3 支持:M1/M2/M3 Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite for Mac包含3个插...
WIN中文、MAC英文 适用于Adobe Photoshop的Imagenomic Professional滤镜套件1739(WIN汉化版、MAC英文版) 所有3种Imagenomic插件共同为您的创意工作流程提供动力,并充分发挥照片的作用。 -肖像-皮肤修饰自动皮肤平滑,愈合和增强效果插件(WIN3.5.7汉化版、mac系统3.5.4中文版和3.5.6英文版) -噪音软件-噪音消除屡获殊荣的...