必应词典为您提供Noise-Scale的释义,网络释义: 噪波比例;杂波缩放;噪声比例;
art2noise his scale modeler profile on scalemates.com. View his gallery, activities, clubs, stash and newsfeed
GKNoise.Scale(Vector3d) 方法 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: GameplayKit 組件: Xamarin.iOS.dll 依 調整雜訊欄位。 C# 複製 [Foundation.Export("scaleBy:")] public virtual void Scale (OpenTK.Vector3d factor); 參數 factor Vector3d 屬性 ExportAttribute 適用於 產品版本 Xamarin iOS SDK 12 ...
必应词典为您提供knoisescale的释义,网络释义: 声音范围;估计是声音的时间;
Holographic noise scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5个回答 全息噪音的规模。2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 全息照相的噪声标度………。 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名全息照相的噪声标度。 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
1)Noise scale factor噪音比例因子 2)proportional factor比例因子 1.The effects in fuzzy controller and self-adjusting on-line of quantised factor andproportional factor;量化因子和比例因子在模糊控制器中的作用及其在线修正 2.According to the character of a class of time-delay and great inertia first-...
Therefore GKNoise contains transforming functions to move, rotate and scale the environment. But no matter what I insert in .scale(by:) or .rotate(by:), the output doesn't change. .move(by:) works though. I tried with different NoiseSources, but the result is the same. Is this a bug...
外部播放此歌曲> Mind-Flux - Scale Noise 专辑:Source & Destination 歌手:Mind-Flux 还没有歌词哦
哔咔漫画window客户端,界面使用PySide2,已实现分类、搜索、收藏夹、下载、在线观看、waifu2x等功能。 - picacg-windows/models/anime_style_art_rgb_noise3_scale2.0x_model.param at main · FuckUbuntu/picacg-windows
The model was subsequently used to evaluate the potential of noise control measures, in particular suspended absorbers and barriers. In the case of barriers, the model results agree well with published data on the performance of barriers at full scale. This lends support, as do the other ...